SHINRIN YOKU (Japan - Forest Bathing)
Being Mindful in Nature
Service Description
Offer 1 : 90 minute meditative walk (Shinrin Yoku) in the Lötschental valley Ideal for those who don't have much time and would like to get to know Shinrin Yoku first. A 1.5 hour meditative walk in the forest with special exercises. I will help you to immerse yourself in the rhythm of nature. This leads to deeper relaxation, the effects of stress diminish, the blood circulation in the body's cells and the autoimmune system normalize. This time alone can help you to find your way back to yourself, to your own nature. Offer 2: 4hour meditative walk (Shinrin Yoku) in the Lötschntal valley If you have a little more time and would like to really immerse yourself in the nature of the Lötschental, then offer 2 is the right one for you. During a 4-hour meditative walk in the forest with special exercises, I will help you to immerse yourself in the rhythm of nature. This will lead to deep relaxation. Breathing becomes deeper and calmer, and blood circulation in the body improves. The effects of stress are reduced and the autoimmune system is strengthened. But that's not all. In addition to the physiological benefits, a whole range of other benefits can be experienced. Shinrin Yoku can help you to strengthen your willpower, intuition and creativity. The connection with nature can even promote empathy and compassion, thus making an important contribution to more co-responsibility in our society.
Contact Details
Hauptstrasse 16, Kippel, Switzerland