Be less self-centered and open your heart with love. Let love get into you, to be able to feel the love of the other people. By opening your heart you attract the people with big heart and you see that all have a big heart, also the people who aggress you.
If you don’t give the importance to the aggressor, and let the agressions stay with them,

without reception, because you are fearless, you will be able to stay in unconditional love.
Once you are able to only observe the aggressor, without judgment and with compassion, they will calm down and not feel threatened .
By acting this way you become their example of non-violence and they encounter no enemy to fight for.
🍀 It is not to accept violence, and to be vigilant, how you react to violence.
🍀 Observe yourself how you are responding to violence:
👉 Are you speaking back?
👉 Are you reacting back?
🌹Are you standing still and being an observer?
🌹Are you letting the aggressor realize themselves of what they are doing with austerity and calmness?
🌹Are you having this subtle reaction to their action, by letting THEM realize about their absurdity, by letting THEM reveal their own behavior?
🌹Are you standing still as an observer and not an actor?
🌹Are you learning to understand the fear of the other?
Brigitte Burgisser (Fuchs-Kahn)