One aim of New Humanity is to live in Harmony with Nature, Mankind and the Universe.
In specific terms, this means leaving a zero Carbon footprint on the planet.
This is a lofty and crucial goal if we are to help mankind and this planet come into balance.
Below are details of the policy we follow to achieve this. It is constantly updated as we learn and discover better ways.
Follow the cycles of the day and the seasons (this we learn through 4x4 Health).
Have an open heart.
Live by the 5 Virtues of Altruism, Integrity, Respect ,Wisdom and Trust (Fidelity).
The above points create a more harmonious lifestyle, leading to better health and therefore, less taxing on the planet's resources.
Take responsibility to see that all personal effects (clothes, toiletries, food, housing, transport) are ecologically sound.
New Humanity is an experiment .
A starting point for the creation of this new society is that businesses are to be service orientated as opposed to profit driven.
The Planet's resources are limited, we need to learn to take what we need only and not keep producing stuff just to make money.
On the Physical level
Energy source to be100% renewable, water, solar or wind power.
To be treated on site, to become compost and Methane gas (for cooking or heating).
Preferably own supply- no chemicals.
If a stream is available, use a hydraulic ram to pump water ( takes no power).
Rainwater to have carbon filter, stored in darkness.
(depending where it is, check for Giardia bacteria)
Good ventilation in buildings- filtered if necessary.
Trees near buildings to improve air quality (if in urban areas).
In warmer climates, vents at highest point in room and at floor level.
Use local materials as much as possible.
No oil based products (plastic).
High insulation value- wool- hemp- paper.
Buildings planned to encourage the well being of the occupants (Feng Shui)
Good flow of energy- arrangement of rooms- arrangement of buildings, with thought to how people interact- public/ private spaces.
Indoor/ outdoor interaction - contact with nature.
In warmer climates, study ancient Moorish technology for cooling by passing air over cold water etc., fountains, rills, air flow. Much wisdom, no power source needed.
In cooler places, good insulation( Earth walls-straw bales), passive heating, heat transfer systems.
Machinery, electric.
Permeable paving where possible, to prevent runoff.
Minimal lawn area.
Maximum use of food bearing plants.
Permaculture practices to be used.
Create own compost
Produce what thrives locally.
If possible, exchange of food types with neighbors.
Develop traditional food storage technology.
Eat seasonally as much as possible.
Production of eggs and honey.
Research and use wild food.
There is a lot happening here at present so, this list will probably change a lot. At the time of writing ( January 2022) , these seem like the best options.
Hydrogen, if it is possible to source Hydrogen.
Electric or chargeable hybrid vehicles.
Methane, if it is available.
It is possible to produce all 4 of these power sources at home in theory, though Hydrogen needs special equipment to compress and cool.
Be aware of oil based products in vehicles, (tyres, plastics etc. ). There is development in this area, non oil based products are appearing.
Keep in mind how and where vehicles are produced, the sources of raw materials and energy source used for manufacture.
This policy is just to take us back to the starting point, then the creativity can really set loose to manifest a world we have yet to experience.
Lyell McLean Parry January 2022