It is to be selfless, you give with no condition.
Let the people feel what is important in their life.
Let them gradually open their heart for generosity.
It is about sharing your experience, show your own generosity, and leave your own greediness aside and be a living example.
Calmness is the key of success. With your inner calmness you will attract the right people, who will give support.
People want to feel peaceful and harmonious. The action is the peacefulness. That will be your interior strength. No agitation and overthinking. Just be an observer and a messenger. The money will flow without you noticing. There is no need to focus on money. The focus is on your inner peace and serenity.
Continue your path, open your heart, don't think of yourself, don't think of your objectives, just work on your own mind and action.
Forget about strategy, no manipulation, only be and share.
The Shen Foundation
Lötschberg Zentrum
Kippel Switzerland
Picture: Jamilah Burgisser